Yoga for all levels…
Whether you’ve never stepped onto a yoga mat or you are able to comfortably hold your Padma Sirsasana, we are here to help you deepen your practice, while deepening your relationship with yourself. Our goal is to provide the safe space to build holistic strength, self-love, and self-acceptance on and off your mat. ...because there is only one TRUE level… YOUR level.
Psychotherapeutic Yoga is mental health focused class that provides a balancing practice with psychoeducation on the many ways Yoga heals. With special attention to slow and controlled Asanas (poses), Pranayama (breathwork), and Ayurveda (holistic healing), and the other limbs of Yoga, this class provides an evidence-based approach to treating anxiety, depression, trauma-responses and several other mental health challenges. These methods are proven to activate the powerful responses of our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, the flight or fight response, linked to common mental health conditions and their symptoms. By unlocking stuck emotions, thoughts, and using yoga as a way to regulate, soothe, and heal energetic excesses or deficiencies. Research shows 8-12 weeks of consistent yoga practice leads to lower PTSD scores and feeling significantly safer in your mind and body. (Van der kolk, et al 2014)
Power/Vinyasa Yoga Class is known for its up-regulating (Brahmana), invigorating flow. It cultivates energy supporting the healing of a nervous system that feels stuck, fatigue, hopeless, and the array of mental health challenges when your mood and energy feels low or depleted. It is a practice that combines breath with a continuous, fast-paced dynamic sequence of poses. This style of yoga focuses on building strength, flexibility, and endurance through a vigorous flow that links breath to movement. The sequences are often more challenging, and incorporate various poses that engage different muscle groups, fostering both physical and mental resilience. Power Vinyasa Yoga aims to create heat within the body, promoting detoxification and enhancing cardiovascular fitness. While adaptable for various skill levels, this style is particularly appealing to those seeking a more energetic and intense yoga experience, providing a holistic workout for the body and mind. These classes offer modifications to build strength, while creating a space for the intermediate and advanced yogi.
Slow Flow Yoga Class is known for its balancing (Samana) energetic effect. With a gentle cultivation in the first part of the class, followed by a down-regulating second part of class invites a centering, integration that equalizes your nervous system. Slow flow is a gentle and meditative practice that emphasizes mindful movement and breath awareness. In this style of yoga, poses are held for a longer duration, allowing practitioners to explore each posture with a deep sense of presence. The transitions between poses are smooth and deliberate, fostering a continuous flow of movement. This deliberate pacing provides an opportunity for increased flexibility, improved alignment, and a heightened connection between the mind and body. Slow Flow Yoga is suitable for all levels, offering a calming and introspective experience that promotes relaxation and stress relief.
Restorative/Yin Yoga Class is known for its down-regulating (Langhana) energetic effect. Nervous systems that feels as though there is "too much" energy can show up as restlessness, racing thoughts, increase heart rate, or an inability to 'sit still'. Down-regulation practices invite deep relaxation, calming and soothing the nervous system by incorporating gentle movements intended to release tension and stress from the body, while regulating the nervous system. These classes hold asanas, or poses for longer periods of time, often with the use of props, including blocks, bolsters, and blankets, which are readily available in our studio. Instructors will apply soothing quotes, guided meditations, poetry, and themes with longer periods of silence to help assist with deep rest. Poses are typically held for an extended period, allowing the body to surrender into each position and encouraging a profound sense of calmness. Restorative/Yin Yoga is particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries, experiencing high levels of stress, or simply seeking a rejuvenating and meditative practice to balance the demands of modern life.
Are you curious about yoga but just don’t want to jump into a class where everyone already seems to know what they’re doing? This accessibility and mobility focused class is designed for people with no experience at all. We start at the very beginning, answer all questions, talk things through, and help you build the foundation for your own yoga practice. Enrollment is limited to ten people. All yoga props, including a mat, will be provided. No special clothing is required. Just wear comfortable clothing that you can easily bend and stretch in (shorts, t-shirts, sweats, etc.). Be prepared to go barefoot. If you want to see why so many people love yoga, let us introduce you!
Chair yoga is a modified form of traditional yoga that adapts poses and stretches to be performed while sitting in a chair or using it for support. This class is focused on mobility and accessibility. It is a gently practice for people of all ages and abilities, making it an ideal option for those with mobility issues or limited flexibility. Chair yoga offers numerous benefits, including improved posture, increased flexibility, and enhanced strength. It also provides a convenient option for individuals who may face challenges with balance or standing for extended periods. Beyond the physical benefits, chair yoga incorporates breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, promoting stress reduction and mental well-being. It's a versatile and inclusive practice that can be easily incorporated into daily routines, making yoga accessible to a wider range of individuals.
Yoga Nidra, often referred to as "yogic sleep," is a guided meditation practice that induces deep relaxation while maintaining full consciousness. Participants lie down and follow verbal instructions, directing attention to different parts of the body, breath awareness, and visualizations. Its benefits include stress reduction, improved sleep quality, heightened awareness, and emotional balance. Regular practice can also enhance creativity and aid in self-discovery and personal growth. Research shows that NSDR (non-sleep deep rest) of Yoga Nidra accelerates neuroplasticity, improved focus and concentration, restores mental and physical energy, and significantly relieves stress, depression and anxiety, and resolve insomnia by activating the pineal gland. (Pandi‑Perumal et al, 2022.)
Sound bathing, with Holly Strawbridge, is an immersive practice that can help quiet anxiety, settle the mind, and guide it toward a deeply meditative and healing state. Holly combines light yin-based movement with live sound to create an environment to nurture relaxation, restoration, and realignment. Dress comfortably, and bring your yoga mat and a blanket. Holly Strawbridge completed Toledo Yoga’s ™200-HR teacher training and is a certified Yin instructor. She has a passion for cultivating a well-balanced, holistic, and creative lifestyle.
(90-min class / $40)
Meditations including Yoga Nidra (Sleep), various Pranayama practices such as Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, Krama breathing, Kapalabhati, and Cardiac Coherence enhance your superpower of Mindfulness, evolving you into the best version of yourself. The 7 Pillars of Mindfulness are Non-Judging, Patience, Beginner’s Mind, Trust, Non-Striving, Acceptance, and Letting Go.